Key Opportunity Foundation Academic Scholarship Application


The Key Opportunity Foundation Book Scholarship was established to provide educational opportunities to dedicated African American students who are continuing their education. The Foundation’s goal is to help deserving students in Arkansas achieve their educational goals. Key Opportunity’s number one priority is to award academic excellence and increase the number of students attaining higher education by providing financial assistance to overcome extenuating circumstances.  


Applicants must be of African American ethnicity, currently enrolled as a high school senior, attend a high school in Arkansas, and planning to enroll in a higher education program for the fall 2025 semester. Applicants must have received their high school diploma by that time. Eligible higher education programs include two- or four-year colleges or universities; community colleges; technical, vocational, or business schools; or any other type of higher education licensed by the state of Arkansas or any other state or federal entity.  We encourage all high school seniors who meet the criteria to apply.


  1. A completed applications submitted via online or must be postmarked by Friday, April 11, 2025.
  2.  High School Seniors must submit two (2) letters of recommendation from a high school administrator, school counselor, teacher, pastor or church youth director/minister with application.
  3. Submit unofficial transcript and copy of ACT/SAT scores.
  4. Community Service point of contact information is required, name and phone number to validate.
  5. Written Essay

Please return completed application packet to:

Key Opportunity Foundation Scholarship,

P.O. Box 26701, Little Rock, AR 72221

Important Notes:

Applications must be postmarked by Friday, April 11, 2025.

Late or incomplete applications will not be submitted to the review committee. Faxed documents will NOT be accepted.

Application and recommendation letters must be typed not handwritten.

Key Opportunity Foundation Scholarship

Submit to: P.O. Box 26701, Little Rock, AR 72221


Submit application, submit essay, unofficial transcript with GPA, copy of ACT/SAT Score, and one (2) letters of recommendation from a school administrator, school counselor, advisor, teacher, pastor or church youth director/minister with application postmarked by Friday, April 11, 2025.

Essay Topic

1. Introduce yourself in five sentences, highlighting your unique qualities, experiences, and passions. 
2. Reflecting on your life thus far, articulate your purpose and direction in life.
3. Envision your future 7-10 years from now, detailing the aspirations and achievements you aim to attain both personally and professionally.
4. Outline and elaborate on 3-5 imperative tasks that will propel you towards realizing your envisioned goals within 7-10 years.

On a separate sheet of paper, submit typed, double-spaced 500-word essay in Arial, 12-point font on the topic below.  Corresponding topic for essay content is provided below.  Essays will be scored on content, clarity, relevance and grammar. It is important that you answer all questions 1-4 to be considered. 

Download & Print Application